Wednesday 6 July 2011

25. See you in 2 weeks!

Ok here is my last post for 2 weeks, if you didn't know I'm off the Crete! I'm getting pretty excited the last few days have been pretty much shopping and today i packed well nearly finished packing but going to relax for awhile now. So have fun with whatever your doing over the summer, I'm sure i will!

Miss you
Speak soon
Zara x

Saturday 2 July 2011

Decided not to put prom photos on as the people in the photos may not want to be fully accessable to the public!

24. Putting it off and update!

Hello again, yes another apology! I'm sorry! Well I'm not sure why i am apologising because i never said i would post all the time ;p Anyway so i have literally been on blogspot pretty much everyday since my last post and for some reason i have been putting it off, which isnt good seen as i am doing this for fun in a way but that's just me =S but i have brought myself today to update you.
Another reason why i haven't made a post is because i have had nothing to really say, well you will see.
Monday- I went to an experience day at my future college, it was pretty scary at first but then you realise that everyone else is feeling the same well that's what i thought i would realise but other people knew each other and sat together ect ect but some were like me! Lots of my friends are going to my college but their experience day was on Tuesday not Monday! which bothered me at first, basically we had a quick presentation and then e met our tutors and did a few activities but the best part was the free food, i had this lovely jacket potato with chillie con carne on, i know its just a jacket potato but it tasted really really nice cooked to perfection! by this time i had found someone from my school this girl who i am friends with so it was ok! Then we were allowed to leave and we had a walk around town together bought a few things and then went home, this lasted from 11:30 to pretty much 3pm which is longer than i expected!

Tuesday- I just relaxed all day pretty much did the odd job and that was it.

Wednesday- Went shopping with my sister (she had the day off because the rest were on a trip she didn't want to go to) It was a good trip we bought some nice stuff i got 2 pairs of sandals, shorts, ummm and some vests and bits and bobs.

Thursday- I woke up really late and just was on my computer all day. Found out i was going on holiday to Crete next week so my last post will be maybe on Wednesday or Tuesday? I'm not sure, i will be away for 2 weeks! Going to this new hotel looks amazing i will post pictures when i get back for sure! Oh i will post a few prom ones after this post you wanted to see.

Friday- Got up late again! Did ironing yes it really was back breaking! but i have to do it because we are going on holiday and we don't want creased clothes, mum cant do it because shes working and sister is at school. So I'm the dosser who gets to stay at home all the time now XD

Saturday (today)- Went down town with dad and sister, got a subway a foot long tuna hehe it was filling but yummy! Having a BBQ later as well.

Some photos of where we are staying as in the hotel its a spa hotel-

I'm pretty excited it looks really nice, well i think anyway!

Speak soon,
Zara x