Thursday 25 August 2011

27. Saturday 6th Auguast- Disaster

An absolutely traumatic day and what a start to the holiday! Starting with the first 10 mins on the way to Dover my dad got caught jumping a light (we were in a rush! I know that's not an excuse but I'm not the driver :P) Dad couldn't believe it when they came up behind him, serves him right in a way! Didnt got much better on the motorway either as on the M25- TRAFFIC! We ended up missing the ferry we were supposed to catch at noon and we ended up getting there at 3:30pm and the next ferry was at 4pm (comes every 2 hours) sid have a little luck! Also we didn't have to pay any supplement because we had some excuses up our sleeve, but we were prepared to pay though! So we made it to France, pitched up and slept!


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