Saturday 27 August 2011

35. My GCSE results...

Hey again, well i am just interrupting my posts about my holiday to tell you my results what i received 2 days ago! I as happy with the results well i think if i put more effort in i would have done better but for the amount of effort put in id say i got what i deserved, apart from my art result!

Maths- A
History- A
Religious Studies- A
Textiles- A
ICT 1- A
ICT 2- A
English Language- B
English Lit- B
Biology- B
Chemistry- B
Physics- B
Art- C  - my teacher thought everyone was graded unfairly (to be honest mine was pretty good, she said at least a B) So i don't know what will happen with that... It might get moved up but if not i don't mind, im just glad they are over! =P

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