I have got the two medias infront of me and i am giving myself 15 mins to plan and write my responce.
How are presentational devices used in these two pieces of media to make the piece what it is?
you can tell i have made this question up haha
I shall be using
P- Point
Q- Quote
A- Analysis
Presentational devises are a major part to consider when designing a news/media article. The devises help catch the readers attention and also help break down the piece to text, depending on what the article is about and aimed at determines the amount and Mons trophy of the presentational devices.
By looking at each text I can see that text A has a considerable less amount of colour, range of text sizes and pictures. This helps me evaluate the piece well as from first sight I can see the piece is aimed at an older age range, compared to text B which has a large range of text sizes, big picture, less writing and use of effective colour.
On both pieces colour has been used on text the author feels is important, on text A the main title “Ethical living” is coloured in a bright eco coloured green, this colour suggests to me the piece is about re using, recycling and being “ethical” Also on text B bright red text is used on the word “waste” in the sentence “The campaign against waste”. The red writing suggests and symbolises, danger which could occur in the world if the waste issue isn’t sorted out. Also the red text symbolises death, which could mean the death of the earth or the death of the human race if the issue isn’t sorted the effects could be deathly.
A coloured picture is presented on each piece, which helps break down the text also making the piece more eyes catching. I feel colour has been used as the topic each piece focuses on isn’t a one minded piece, change can actually be made. If the images where presented in black and white it gives a helpless and hopeless feel to the topic. Both pictures link well with the piece, on text A the picture is of a woman looking at her clothes, she is holding up a sock and I feel she is thinking of how she can re use or recycle the sock making it into something she never would have dreamed of. The image is also small this could suggest that not many people these days recycle or “make- do and mend” what they already have. On text B there is a large photograph this may suggest the problem of waste is very troublesome. The photograph is of a Swede which is in shrink wrapping and has a label on which shows the price, barcode ect. The photograph links well with the piece of text as the text is talking about the un necessary packaging, the photograph shows this well as I am sure the image helps the reader to realise that waste packaging is a bigger problem than they thought and that it occurs on vegetables which are naturally grown not only processed manufactured foods, toys and electronics.
By doing this I can see that I cant get much done in a short time period, I don’t think that 7 points would be needed into get full marks just good vocab, varied sentence structure, good ideas, spelling, good evaluation… that kind of thing.
I would hope to have got 5/7 but I don’t know as the piece wasn’t that well thought out and planned.
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