6 page views in under an hour! Now that really is a shocker, before you say i am sad watching my views, believe me i really am that sad =XP No i actually was about to post again which i will now do now! Thankyou God for my 6! flipping page views ^.^
I have just realized how strange my background is, well not strange because i am sure millions of other's also have this background to their blog... considering it is a default and all.
The reason for my chosen background is that i remember way back in... gosh it must have been year... 8 or maybe 9... that is WAY back for me ;p
I was in an art lesson and we were asked to create a variety of backgrounds, the whole point of this exercise was to "focus our thoughts on not only the subject but everything incorporated into creating a masterpiece" - roughly the words of my art teacher i have quoted, i suppose i shouldn't really be quoting as it is a roughly.
So we were all given small squares of drawing paper and we set to work. Mine only taking minimal time as i prefer art to not have to much thought, just instinct (if i am making any sense at all)
Getting to the point ---> One of my numerous "masterpieces" was one pretty much like this background used on the blog, simple yet... pretty. So i suppose intently i chose something rather familiar.
This post may be a little strange but as soon as i published my last post i realized that is why i must have chosen the background i had and decided to share my thoughts.
I shall talk to you later,
Zara x
Fact number 4- I absolutely love traveling, i have already traveled a lot around Europe but i have never been to America, which i have on my priority list.
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